Motor Vehicle Accident Therapy

Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) therapy is a rehabilitative therapy program for individuals injured in car accidents. Common injuries resulting from a motor vehicle accident include whiplash, neck & back pain, and pain throughout other areas of the body. 
HPSC provides individuals with the proper treatment plan and a MVA psychological assessments to determine whether individuals who have been in an accident require psychotherapy treatment through therapeutic approaches.

The Objectives:

  • Learn the problem through a psychological assessment where a diagnosis is produced.
  • Learn the strengths and weaknesses of the individual
  • Set a list of goals for encouragement
  • Choose the type of counselling the individual would feel the most comfortable and content with.
  • Learn a set of strategies of intervention

The treatment material will be delivered by one of our specialists either virtually or at our office in London, Ontario. An evaluation process will be used to monitor learner progress. Contact us (link) to book a training session for your team or for any other inquiries.